DOT medical exam or CDL physical?
Any commercial drive who want to drive a commercial Vehicle needs to have a Commercial Driver’s license known as CDL and in order for it to be valid to drive a commercial the driver must take a Physical Test also know as medical Exam or DOT Physical. This test is the check the general health and wellbeing of the driver. It is required by the Federal Govt and is Mandatory by law to drive a commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV).

DOT physical Exam tests the following
The physical examination portion will check the body for abnormalities.
Urinalysis, blood pressure/pulse rate, vision, and hearing capability.
The physical examination part is to check if there are anybody abnormalities. And the doctor checks the following to name a few:
General Health, eyes, ears, cardiovascular, lungs/chest, Genito-urinary (hernias), extremities/joints, reflexes, diabetes and More To make sure the drive is Physically fit to drive a Commercial Motor Vehicle safely.

What is required for a DOT physical exam?
When a driver goes for a DOT medical Exam, he or She should arrive at the Doctor’s place ahead of time and do not be late also would require the following and should bring with them to the doctor.
- Previous Medical Examination Report (if you have one)
- CDL commercial driver license
- Previous medical card (if you have one
- Previous Medical records (if you have one)
You could also take lot of other thing that you might think that might be of help. Such as list of your prescription drugs if you have any.
ITC can help with your DOT physical
ITC on a regular basis deals with quite a few clinics that perform DOT Physical Exams and their cost is reasonable. We can always find one for you in your area.
Contact us
ITC can help you with your DOT physical and all compliance and licensing needs, audit services, safety rating upgrades, fuel taxes or even starting your own new company and more.